Books on Nyonya Kebaya, Batik and Nyonya Cuisine
The Nyonya Kebaya: A Century Of Straits
Chinese Costume
Book Description
Sheer, romantic, alluring, yet sedate, the
Nyonya kebaya has become a recognizable and enduring Malaysian
fashion icon. Originally a long, straight, Arab-inspired top of
plain woven cotton, it was adopted by the Nyonyas, the womenfolk
of the early Peranakan community, a subgroup of the Chinese, who
gradually transformed it into a shapely, embroidered,
translucent blouse, fastened with a set of chained brooches and
worn with a matching hand-drawn batik sarong and beaded
slippers. The Nyonyas, a mix of women from the Malay Peninsula,
Java, Sumatra, Burma and Thailand who married Chinese traders in
the Straits Settlements of Malacca, Penang and Singapore from
the sixteenth century, were true multiculturalists. Their knack
for combining the best of cultural influences from Chinese,
Malay and European, contributed to a rich Peranakan heritage
well known for its distinctive cuisine, architecture, furniture,
porcelain, costumes, embroidery, beadwork, silverware and
This book showcases the collection of Datin
Seri Endon Mahmood, whose admiration for the
artistry and skill that goes into producing
these Peranakan works of art, has encouraged her
to build up an outstanding collection of Nyonya
kebaya and matching accessories. Following an
introduction to the history of the kebaya and
its evolution, readers are treated to a feast of
delicate embroidered kebaya, colorful batik
sarongs, beaded slippers and jewelry, as well as
the processes of making a kebaya, the wealth of
embroidery motifs, and how the timeless beauty
of the kebaya is being brought into the future.
About the Author
Datin Seri Endon Mahmood, wife of the Prime
Minister of Malaysia, Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi,
is a passionate proponent of local arts. She has
been collecting Nyonya kebaya and accessories
for over a decade.
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The Straits Chinese: A Cultural History
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Batik: Fabled Cloth of Java
Book Description
Here in all their radiant colors and
intricate patterns are 150 examples of
the finest batik in the world, developed
to a rare art form on the Indonesian
island of Java.
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Batik: Design, Style, & History (Paperback)
Book Description
A comprehensive and richly illustrated
survey of batik, a glorious textile art
and popular Indonesian cloth.
Every aspect of batik is rich in
symbolism: its colors, motifs, and
designs, as well as the way it is made,
folded, and worn. Formerly a family and
tribal signifier, and then a symbol of
Indonesian independence and identity, it
is now a fabric in demand all over the
world. Fiona Kerlogue explores the
origins of batik in the Indonesian
archipelago; the materials and methods
of production; regional traditions and
differences; motifs and symbolism,
including Malay, Chinese, and Islamic
meanings; modern influences, such as
industrialization, war, and
independence; batik as traditional and
modern costume; and batik as an art
An illustrated index of motifs and their
meanings, glossary, bibliography, and
international listing of batik
collections complete this authoritative
yet accessible work. 205 illustrations,
168 in color.
About the Author
Fiona Kerlogue is a Keeper at the
Horniman Museum in London. She has
taught and lectured extensively on
textiles in Britain, Southeast Asia, and
the United States
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The Best of Singapore's Recipes: Nyonya Specialties
Book Description
The secrets to Nyonya cuisine - often synonymous
with delectable delicacies prepared by
meticulous cooks - are now unveiled in The Best
of Singapore's Recipes: Nyonya Specialties. The
first book in a collectable series of six, The
Best of Singapore's Recipes: Nyonya Specialties
by Mrs. Leong Yee Soo introduces one to the
Peranakan's rich heritage of culinary treasures.
From dips and sauces, snacks and appetisers,
main courses and festive specialties to cakes
and desserts, all the dishes that adorned the
tables of the Peranakans of yesteryear can be
found in this delightful volume. A wide and
exciting repertoire of Nyonya recipes are
featured in this book - whipping up Nyonya
delicacies will now be a pleasurable and
delightful experience!
About the Author
The late Mrs. Leong Yee Soo represented the last
bastion of Peranakan cooks whose attention to
detail are legendary and for whom cooking skills
were developed to a fine art.
Having spent the major part of her life
thinking about, experimenting with and teaching
food preparation, Mrs. Leong passed on the
results of her years of research and experience
in this wonderful collection of recipes.
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The New Mrs. Lee's
Cookbook: Nonya Cuisine
Book Description
Mrs. Lee Chin Koon first published Mrs Lee’s
Cookbook in 1979 at the age of 70. With more
than 50 years of cooking experience, Mrs. Lee
wrote the cookbook in order that her
grandchildren and future generations would
continue in the tradition of Nonya cuisine.
Mrs Lee’s Cookbook has since had numerous
reprints and has become widely accepted as an
authority on Nonya cuisine.
29 years later, Shermay Lee, her granddaughter
is relaunching the cookbook for a new
generation. This revised version makes it
possible for any novice to cook classic
Peranakan dishes such as Ayam Buah Keluak,
Mee Siam and Pong Tauhu Soup. New
useful sections such as a glossary of
ingredients and basic kitchen equipment,
illustrated step-by-step guide to basic cooking
techniques and other sections have been added to
make Peranakan cooking more accessible. Each
recipe is illustrated and is a step-by-step
guide providing clear instructions on
preparation and methodology.
About the Author
Shermay Lee is an investment banker-turned-chef.
A sixth-generation Peranakan with a strong
culinary tradition, she started cooking at the
age of 5. She learnt the rudiments of cooking
first from her grandmother, Mrs. Lee Chin Koon,
then later, at the renowned classical French
culinary institute, Le Cordon Bleu in
London. Prior to that, she graduated from Brown
University, USA, in Political Science and
History. She has opened her own cooking school,
Shermay’s Cooking School, in Singapore
and has plans to publish other cookbooks.
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The New Mrs. Lee's Cookbook, Vol. 2: Straits Heritage Cuisine (Hardcover)
Book Description
In the 19th century, people of all races flocked
to Southeast Asia to trade and seek new life.
Among their traditions and beliefs, they also
brought with them the cuisines of their
hometowns, which blended over time. The New
Mrs. Lee’s Cookbook Vol. 2: Straits Heritage
Cuisine is a collection of recipes that
testify to this unique culinary heritage.
A Peranakan, the late Mrs. Lee Chin Koon
(1907-1980) compiled her own collection of
recipes that included a mix of Nonya and local
dishes, and published Mrs Lee’s Cookbook
in 1974. The cookbook has since had numerous
reprints, and has become widely accepted as one
of the authorities on Nonya and local cuisine in
Now, three decades later, these well-loved
recipes have been faithfully and lovingly
reworked by her granddaughter, Shermay Lee, into
two fully illustrated cookbooks. The first,
The New Mrs. Lee’s Cookbook Vol. 1: Nonya
Cuisine was launched in 2003. It won the
prestigious Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
in 2003. This second cookbook, The New Mrs.
Lee’s Cookbook Vol. 2: Straits Heritage Cuisine
features a delightful mix of Chinese, Malay,
Indian and Eurasian recipes, and also includes
anecdotes explaining their origins. New useful
sections have also been added, including:
• a comprehensive illustrated glossary of
• a glossary of basic kitchen equipment
• step-by-step illustrations of basic food
• a list of useful contacts
About the Author
Shermay Lee is an investment banker-turned-chef.
A sixth-generation Peranakan with a strong
culinary tradition, she started cooking at the
age of 5. She learnt the rudiments of cooking
first from her grandmother, Mrs. Lee Chin Koon,
then later, at the renowned classical French
culinary institute, Le Cordon Bleu in
London. Prior to that, she graduated from Brown
University, USA, in Political Science and
History. She has opened her own cooking school,
Shermay’s Cooking School, in Singapore
and has plans to publish other cookbooks.
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